Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What have we done?

HAART has proven efficacy in controlling HIV disease since 1996. HAART improved quality of life of HIV affected patients and maintain health with sustainable viral suppression as long as possible! EVERYONE knows this!

Thinking that we are doing some thing good to those neglected and forgotten patients by giving them a second chance of life with HAART....yes, majority of our petients apprciate the chance that HAART provided them! HOWEVER, there is always the other side of the story....

Within this short week after CNY, I have heard 3 bad news about my patients...

  1. a HIV patient on treatment doing well with HAART for the past 3 years ( with history of systemic fungal infection when he presented, death was so near to him) now was caught in the prison on CNY eve night for robbery crime with pistol!! He is well enough to rob others.... now his HAART is free, yet he needs money and he robbed!! Sigh!!
  2. anothe HIV patient plan to initiate HAART today did not turn up for appointemtn because he was caught in the prison for breaking into other people house during CNY!! He is not so well, but still plan to rob!!
  3. the shocking story is this.... I got a call from one of my counselor nurse regarding a man (Muslim) on HAART for the past 3 years, well with CD4 count of more than 600, came to see us 3 years ago diagnosed after the first wife found out to be HIV positive antenatal and from there his second wife also was detected HIV positive, yet they all happily planned a big family with 2 children each, and all the time they had been advised not to conceive anymore....the man feels well, refused to use condom and no contraception at all, claim religion not allowing them to do so! Then here came the shocking news....he married the THIRD wife!! And this time the third wife is referred from OBGYN as HIV positive diagnosed antenatally!! When questioned the lady, she came out with the NOTORIOUS name of the MAN!! Then he came to us and told us off after we asked him why he did so!! He said that he IS GREAT and FEELS GREAT with energy and he plans to marry the fourth wife soon!!! MY goodness! What have I done to create such egoistic monster!! Shall I stop his treatment? Make him ill? Or go to the court to stop this man from marrying the 4th one to prevent an innocent girl form becoming HIV?? WHAT had happened??
Are we making them feel good to do all sinful things in life?? Makes me think many times before I make such decision to treat now!!

drug rash

I met this patient in my clinic today, he took Bactrim for the past 21 days with high dose for PCP, this developed only after he completed high dose Bactrim, sometimes I felt difficult as we as a clinician tend to give hope and urge patient to be on HAART as soon as possible, however, when this came, we need to stop our urgency to initiate any HAART till all the rash subsided!

Once I came to meet this patient whom we all clinician had advised again and again for him to be put on HAART, and when he was ready, he developed this with one of the medicine, this made him lost all his confidence in us as clinician! Difficult, yet we need to be very careful of our treatment counseling prior to starting the patient on treatment even though we are very keen, yet the patient readiness and understanding will determine the successful of our treatment, NOT the clinician!!

Monday, February 26, 2007

busy busy year

Happy Boar year!!

So busy lately, I have lost my right hand man to HSB... Hope he is well there, I heard he is now slimmer, well when I was in HKL doing the same training, I was the slimmest at that time...thinking back when I was in SARS team in HKL, I was the STAR in most of the magazines and TV shows and newspapers, and I was very slim at that time, well after delivered my little angel 2 and half years ago, I could not get back in shape, now this year, i will be forcing myself to be more discipline in dieting... allot of colleagues are very encouraging, including one of my good friend even said that she will spanked me if I eat more than I should...thank you!

I saw my husband who lost weight a lot lately due to disease... from 75 kg down to 59 kg now, and the waist from 35 inch to 29 inch, this drives me more to loose weight in order to catch up or better down with him! I am worry however, he is really positive about his life, I should be living my life with him to the greatest while I can! However, my work is really driving me away from family life! As I said, KKM is Kementerian Kuat Meeting!

Just wish I will have my right wing back.... then I can do some quality work here, if not, I am not sure whether I am doing everything well or nothing is good after all the effort!!

This year should be a new start for me and for my husband, and I am planning to set up a place for my unit and clinic, just wish everything will be smooth for me this year as In feng shui predicted!

happy New Year to all who read my blog!

May everyone have happiness and health then wealth in this year of golden boar!

homophobia?? Definitely NOT!

i was asked about this on last Friday in my clinic by a good friend of mine who works together with me! I was shocked by his question as I thought I have always been open about my view on MSM! I am NOT a homophobia, may be some times I was joking with some of my other friends about this or that persons preference in sexual activity, however, I am definitely not homophobia and i am in a field that meet a lot of MSM, I am not judgemental by any chance and will never be judgemental on those who prefer to practice MSM! i hope by stating this people whom I might offended will forgive me and be more understanding about me and of course trust must be earned, and I hope I will earn your trust if you are one MSM who decided to be open about it to me one of this days!!

Live and let live is my motto in this blog, and I mean it when I publish it, what it means please refer this blog in the past post!